Inspection ID - #TR002

Air Brake Test
There are three stages to an air brake test:
Applied Pressure Test
When doing the Applied Pressure Test, you will want to build the air pressure to governor cut out. Put the truck in the lowest gear, turn the engine off and immediately turn it back on. Push in the tractor and trailer valves which will then release the parking brakes. Push and hold the brake pedal, allowing the gauges to stabilize. When the gauges have stabilized, announce the Primary and Secondary PSI. Listen for air leaks while doing this
Warning Light and Buzzer
Pump down on the brake pedal until the warning light and buzzer comes on. This is typically at or before 60 PSI.
High beams, blinkers, markers all not working fine, and when you switch on the lights or toggle from high to low you can see the low beams flicker and then go out. Occasionally, mostly never at this point, the passenger low beam will stay on, and when it works, it will work or not work for a while while toggling high/low or turning on/off the lights.
Tractor/Trailer Protection Valve Pop Out
Pump down on the brake pedal until the tractor and trailer protection valves pop out, this will be between 20 and 40 PSI.
High beams, blinkers, markers all not working fine, and when you switch on the lights or toggle from high to low you can see the low beams flicker and then go out. Occasionally, mostly never at this point, the passenger low beam will stay on, and when it works, it will work or not work for a while while toggling high/low or turning on/off the lights.
Air Pressure Gauges
The air pressure gauges should build to governor cut out
Emergency Equipment
Your truck should have a fire extinguisher, three red reflective triangles and spare electrical fuses
Heater and Defroster
Demonstrate both the heater and defroster are working properly.